Artwallace Inspired...stories about my paintings

Heres To a Better Day portraitforhseheroes Ingrid by Mary Wallacejpg
Here's To a Better Day!
My portrait of Ingrid

  Ingrid is from Wexford and is a Staff Nurse in University Hospital Waterford for the past twenty-one years. She has been working on the Covid-19 Ward since it opened in March.

  "My painting of Ingrid is from a photograph taken in happier times having afternoon tea with a friend. I feel I have caught her smile and the twinkle of happiness in her eyes as she raises her cup. What most of us wouldn't do to meet up with friends again!"

Take a closer look and you will see that the cup has been repaired using gold. It is inspired by the Japanese art form kintsugi. The acceptance of transience and things being not quite perfect; beauty that is imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete, reflected in the philosophical idea of embracing beauty in imperfection, acceptance of change and fate as aspects of human life. This is wabi sabi.

There is a message of hope in the painting. As we heal from damage, loss, grief or trauma we are strengthened by these experiences. Ingrid could tell you a thing or two about that too.

I've called her portrait ' Here's To A Better Day! '

Ingrid 6jpg
Ingrid enjoying afternoon tea with a friend in the good times...
This is the photograph which inspired my painting.

"So outside my comfort zone on this. My first time painting a portrait! Almost as nervous showing you as I was for my first solo exhibition many moons ago…"

#portraitsforhseheroes was the tag that went up on Instagram on April 22nd. The initiative began in the UK as an artist's response to the COVID-19 pandemic and quickly caught on here. Artists wishing to show appreciation for HSE front line workers posted on social media that they were willing to paint a free portrait for the first HSE front line worker to contact them or be nominated by a friend.